Dental Surgery Service In Banjara Hill

Dental Surgery Service In Banjara Hills

Dental surgery

This includes minor oral surgical procedures such as removal of impacted wisdom teeth and other unerupted teeth during orthodontic treatment.


It also involves major surgical procedures such as facial trauma including teeth, TMJ and abscess drainage. Orthognathic surgical procedures improve aesthetics and restoration of malocclusion.


Most dental surgical procedures are carried out at a daycare clinic without general anaesthesia or hospitalization.

Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction is the removal of a tooth from the alveolar (bone) socket. It is one of the most routine dental procedures but also one of the most terrifying procedures for patients.

The Dental Specialists have well trained Oral surgeons who perform these extractions and make it a painless process.

Dental surgery
When Do You Need Tooth Extraction
  1. If the tooth infection is so severe that antibiotics and RCT do not cure it, extraction may be needed to prevent the spread of infection.
  2. Advanced periodontal disease in a tooth leading to tooth mobility.
  3. A tooth after endodontic treatment which still has pain has to be extracted.
  4. Extraction of teeth that are done as a part of orthodontic or prosthodontic procedures are called therapeutic extractions.
  5. Patients with cancer undergoing radiation therapy have to get potentially problematic teeth extracted before radiation therapy. This is done so as to reduce chances of osteonecrosis.
  6. Retained Tooth Roots.

Make an Appointment for Your Smile!