Advanced Diagnostic Aids Treatment in Hyderabad

Advanced Diagnostic Aids Treatment in Banjara Hills

We provide comprehensive dental care led by experienced dental specialists in Hyderabad.
Our commitment to providing affordable treatment options makes quality dental care accessible to all.


Intra Oral Cameras

Examination using intraoral cameras to view the nook and corner of the mouth under magnification that a naked eye cannot see.

Advanced Diagnostic aids
Food And Drink


Digital OPG

Full mouth x-ray in one shot – can show the bone structure, bone mineral density, and the diseases within the teeth, jaws. It also visualizes the sinuses, joints.


Digital x-ray of the tooth can be viewed on the computer screen. It can also be shared and stored unlike the perishable films.

Schedule your appointment today and take the first step towards optimal dental health!

Make an Appointment for Your Smile!